Burundi (Burundian Music)
Find brand new songs, artists and playlists related to Burundi . Charts on daily, weekly, monthly and annually basis.- Burundi
Burundi, officially the Republic of Burundi, is a landlocked country in the Great Rift Valley where the African Great Lakes region and East Africa converge.
Burundi Top 40 Music Charts has started at March 27, 2022 (Sun). All weekly chart releases have aired on Sunday. Popnable serves top music charts from Burundi on a daily ( Top 100 Songs), weekly (Top 40 Songs), monthly (Top 200 Songs) and yearly basis (Top 500 Songs). Since 2019, Popnable provides new charts from Burundi - Top 10 Annoying Songs (ended on 30.11.2022) and Top 20 Likeable Songs. Since 01.12.2021 Popnable reveals the hottest songs released within the last 365 days in Burundian Hot 100 Songs Chart. Burundi has 130 videos (+2 brand new) , 35 artists .
Hot 100 Songs Today - Most Popular On Daily Basis
by Juno Kizigenza, Alvin Smith |
1 | |
by Drama T |
2 | |
by Redemption Voice |
3 | |
Be Mine
by Wiz Designer |
4 | |
Tatizo Nini
by Mr Champagne |
5 | |
by Don Brighter |
6 |
Hot 100 Songs, 19/01/2023 - Full Daily Music Chart / View All Hot 100 Songs music charts
Last added songs from Burundi
Top 40 Songs, week 420
(13 January 2023 - 19 January 2023)
#1 | Drama T - Madamu | +1 | |
#2 | Wiz Designer - Be Mine | +1 | |
#3 | Olegue - Araryoshe | +1 | |
#4 | Don Brighter - Energy | -3 | |
#5 | Trey Zo - Soba | +5 | |
#6 | Alvin Smith - Turajana | +0 | |
#7 | Ado Josan - Bararindiriye | -2 | |
#8 | Sat-B - Ishari | +0 | |
#9 | Big Fizzo - Ndabizi | -2 | |
#10 | D-One - Zero | -1 | |
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