Zeyneb Heseni Bio and Facts
Zeyneb Heseni is a well-known Azerbaijani artist/band. Find biography and interesting facts of Zeyneb Heseni's career and personal life. Discover detailed information about Zeyneb Heseni's height, real name, wife, girlfriend & kids. Zeyneb Heseni Wiki, Facebook, Instagram, and socials. Zeyneb Heseni Height, Age, Bio, and Real Name.[Edit Photo]
Duplicated Artist
Zeyneb Heseni Biography Facts
Zeyneb Heseni has been appeared in channels as follow: Talıb Tale, narıncı müzik, ATV Music, Nur Studio, DJ Roshka Music, Vasif Azimov Official, Dj Roshka, Xəzər Music, Media Show, Luna Music House, Zeynəb Həsəni, Nəfəs, ZiKOZS, Sosial Netd, NK Music, Ayna Music, Cabbar Baxsaliyev, Crown Music.
Born 12 September, 1989 (33 years old).
What is the zodiac sign of Zeyneb Heseni ?
According to the birthday of Zeyneb Heseni the
astrological sign is
Virgo .
Zeyneb Heseni Wiki
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