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"Kal Kibur" has reached
5.8K total views,
and dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Kal Kibur" is "FSEHA HAILAY (WEDI TSEHAY) - KAL KIBUR | ፍስሃ ሃይላይ (ወዲ ፀሓይ) - ቃል ክቡር / NEW TIGRIGNA MUSIC 2023".
"Kal Kibur" has been published on Youtube at 17/01/2023 10:00:04
Fseha Hailay (Wedi Tsehay) - Kal Kibur ፍስሃ ሃይላይ (ወዲ ፀሓይ) - ቃል ክቡር / New Tigrigna Music 2023
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#LihamMelody #ሊሓምሜሎዲ #LihamTigrayMusic