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"Kunba Iga Mudantahay" has reached
74.9K total views,
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and spent 1 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Kunba Iga Mudantahay" is "MUKHTAAR BEEROF - KUNBA IGA MUDANTAHAY - OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO 2023".
"Kunba Iga Mudantahay" has been published on Youtube at 17/01/2023 15:00:10
Mukhtaar Beerof
Kunba iga Mudantahay
Ereyadii & Laxankii: Omar Dabjacayl
Music: Tamasgen
Camera: Yonez Crown & Hanad Kaabe
Editing: Yonez Crown
Afro Waqal Furinle Pro