Ħdejja by The Travellers
"Ħdejja" is Maltese song released on 16 January 2023 in the official channel of the record label - "The Travellers". Discover exclusive information about "Ħdejja". Explore Ħdejja lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Maltese song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Ħdejja " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Malta Music Chart , Top 40 Maltese Songs Chart, and more."Ħdejja" Facts
"Ħdejja" has reached
59.1K total views,
and dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 2 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Ħdejja" is "THE TRAVELLERS — ĦDEJJA".
"Ħdejja" has been published on Youtube at 16/01/2023 17:54:52
"Ħdejja" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Ħdejja minn The Travellers
Membri tal-Band:
Clayton Bonello
Michael Camilleri
Chris Gatt
Sylvano Mizzi
Andrew Vella
Joseph Xerri
Rikording u Produzzjoni: Jagged House Studios
Direttur: Steven Levi Vella
Produzzjoni tal-Vidjow: LEVIPLUS.
Direttur tal-Istampa: Clive Brincat
Fotografija: Albert Camilleri
L-Ewwel Assistent tal-Kamera: Ylenia Kay
Grip: Randal Degabriele
Atturi: Steven Mintoff u Becky Camilleri
Irtokk: Deandra Bugeja
Dawn ħsibijiet żgħar,
jaħarqu bħal nar.
Jgħaddu ta’ kuljum, iroxxu dmugħ,
jagħmlu ċ-ċpar.
Inħoss wisq għalik,
dawn xjaten mhux żgħar.
Nerġa’ nistaqsik,
x’nagħmel jien? Dak li naf.
Ersaq ejja ħdejja
nieħu ħsiebek jien,
inwiegħdek li ser nikbru
mmutu t-tnejn flimkien.
M’għandekx għalfejn tibża’
x’hemm ġej fil-futur,
għax b’pinna sewda niktbu
x’kulur dan ser ikun.
Ersaq ejja ħdejja.
Nixtieq li kuljum
li jisbaħ mill-ġdid.
Innissel f’xufftejk,
ferħ u tbissim.
Nixtieq inkun naf ngħinek,
nixtieq li tkun aħjar
iżda aktar ma nipprova
nagħmel kollox agħar.
Żgur mhux l-intenzjoni
li nwassal dan l-aġir.
Xejn ma rrid ħlief li
nnissillek ftit tbissim.