Online users now: 931 (members: 687,
robots: 244)
"Dopamine" has reached
4.7K total views,
and dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Dopamine" is "BRYSA - DOPAMINE (PROD. BRYSA)".
"Dopamine" has been published on Youtube at 13/01/2023 16:00:34
Stream of download ‘DOPAMINE’ hier:
Official Music Video - Brysa - Dopamine (
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Audio credits:
Lyrics: Brysa
Beat: Brysa
Recording, mixing & mastering: SOUNDPLUG (
Video credits:
Director: Rik Louwerse
Producer: Dilba Yasin
: Jelle Bokelmann
Production Assistant: Zahra Rahmati
Gaffer: Quintijn Maas
Styling: Kymani Yade
Edit: Rik Louwerse
Grading: Luke Linssen
VFX: Nick Palmen
Photography: Moïse Donkers
© 2023 Le Bled Records