Tuttur Dur by Naz Dej
"Tuttur Dur" is Azerbaijani song released on 30 November 2022 in the official channel of the record label - "Naz Dej". Discover exclusive information about "Tuttur Dur". Explore Tuttur Dur lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Azerbaijani song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Tuttur Dur " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Azerbaijan Music Chart , Top 40 Azerbaijani Songs Chart, and more."Tuttur Dur" Facts
"Tuttur Dur" has reached
16.8M total views,
and dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 6 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Tuttur Dur" is "NAZ DEJ - TUTTUR DUR (FEAT. ELSEN PRO) #SEKRETET E MIA".
"Tuttur Dur" has been published on Youtube at 30/11/2022 15:10:49
"Tuttur Dur" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Naz Dej - Tuttur Dur (
;Elsen Pro) Sekretet e mia
Ermenita Hoxha - Sekretet e mia Şarkısı @elsenproremix Projesinde
(Lyrics) “Tuttur Dur” Sözler :
Izsız ada gibiyim
Ne gelenim var
Tek hayalin var
Tek hayalim var
Kurtulamadım aşk çok acı bana
Açma bana yara
Yine tuttur-tuttur dur
Beni sev diye
Tuttur-tuttur dur
Yarım ol yine
Kal-Kal, Kal-Kal-Kal
Yarım yanımda
Kala kaldım ona-buna
Acı bana…
Yana-yana kaldım, Gitmem senden
İnadına-İnadına Bitmem ben
O nasıl gülüş, o nasıl bi’ bakış
Anladım kalbime adın yazılmış
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Sözler : Naz Dej
Müzik : Simin Ghanem (Folk Persian Melody)
Aranje : Elshen Pro
Rec - Video : Ulvi Qurbanov
Prod By : Kretivstudio
PR Manager : @mamedbp
Konser ve Organizasyonlar için :
Manager : (+994) 77 309 20 27
YouTube channel managed by mamedbp
℗ 2022 Naz Dej
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