Glock by Didine Canon 16 , Mc Artisan
"Glock" is Algerian song released on 26 February 2022 in the official channel of the record label - "Mc Artisan". Discover exclusive information about "Glock". Explore Glock lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Algerian song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Glock " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Algeria Music Chart , Top 40 Algerian Songs Chart, and more."Glock" Facts
"Glock" has reached
132.5M total views,
and 0 dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 45 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Glock" is "MC ARTISAN - GLOCK FT DIDINE CANON 16 ( PROD. BY CROWW)".
"Glock" has been published on Youtube at 26/02/2022 17:58:58
"Glock" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Lyrics : waitin for didine’s verse yet
Khouk dima b elniya w *** les putes w la prostitute
Don’t talk too
;Nlemmou el liquide w ncoupiw el
;Faut ke tkoun capable
Louled bl couteau thoto en
;Fi block tgoul
;Kolchi b les codes tberwil lacoste hafdhin les postes tgoul
;Chouf ak les coups el passé
;W tchouf fi khouk ybassé
;W ana w mes couz sahbi w mes proches twaheshna el lemma w fuck
;Twaheshna el 7ouma w ghir wra l’ecole
W elzomra
;Men bekri des potes.
Chi li khassek 3ayat dhork tosslek
Hna 6-15 kebret f elbel 9bel el SSI
Aw lik leckens yriglé el 15 wella el
;El Soccer
;3andi plan
;Ched ki
;B glock ki vin
;Call me elbandé.
Independent b glock ki vin doesel attendez hna mdhalma
3endi clan mneyyek men hors-jeu hna mdhalma
Sahbi conseil ma testish ghir calma
Sahbi testish hna rass malna el kelma (x2)
Didine :
Djouz do9 lamat la3dab
Rispi fe za9na machi gi page
Tiri le dfina sipli hebhab semina li diforsina el kaja
Nesta3raf ana li halab dar rl 3echra bnitha m zadjadja
Luouma dja wa9t el 3i9ab khabta la canon bayna hiyadja
menafda le tattraf
7it 7i7 chkoun chaf
Tas7a mcha9af fel is3a
Sahbi tti7 f chabka ra7 takhd habsk bel bittraf
Mala hak tik nik mel fo
Rapi khali mara fo9 so
Sem el 3a9rab
Wahdk terkb tasm3 terhab fik dok nadrab zo
dja babak idor el
Rahi mserkla houma
Houma maydjiush bla ntouma
El bida3a sel3a mesmouma
Khalouk dir
Khalouk ttir
Khoulk tkhalat f t9il khalouk
Djib ikhalouk edir habou yadjbdouk le dkir
Business bla birouwat fel houma idor el kilouwat
Taghfl troh mselsel yamas7o fik el 9adiyat seba
Khayen di9 wla el ghorba
Khayen kayen tban wla tkhaba
Kayen kayen dir wla traba
Independent b glock ki vin doesel attendez hna mdhalma
3endi clan mneyyek men hors-jeu hna mdhalma
Sahbi conseil ma testish ghir calma
Sahbi testish hna rass malna el kelma (x2)
Hna dkhelna rap men windows 98 weshbihom a sahbi yeddazou !!!
La3bed ki wellou yetchabhou lwehed mm fi m3arfou yakhtazel puzzle el denya tbeddel b el buz el denya tjerri el bechri lel fazed test piliers w derna li lazem
Mba3d ndemna li jazet
Makanesh li ymed el i3ez f zan9a
Geddem 3inek mizanek ki el 3an9a
Jouz tedfa dir kess
7na mesh b el hedra b les gestes
7na li jebna el vibe t2amenni
7na li konna el guide ken el n****
Aw hna aw lhih l’artisan ki Raiden foug el beat
Hijo de puta arwah nahkilek en tt cas
Ana mes principes ki 2pac hna la river la boca
Casse sri9a flouka louled
Ghriba metgharba louled
Ay banet harba louled
W bdet tgarrab a louleeed
Independent b glock ki vin doesel attendez hna mdhalma
3endi clan mneyyek men hors-jeu hna mdhalma
Sahbi conseil ma testish ghir calma
Sahbi testish hna rass malna el kelma (x2)