Sangria by Emma Muscat
"Sangria" is Maltese song released on 07 July 2020 in the official channel of the record label - "Warner Music Italy". Discover exclusive information about "Sangria". Explore Sangria lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Maltese song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Sangria " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Malta Music Chart , Top 40 Maltese Songs Chart, and more."Sangria" Facts
"Sangria" has reached
31.4M total views,
and 0 dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 153 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Sangria" is "EMMA MUSCAT - SANGRIA (FEAT. ASTOL) (OFFICIAL VIDEO)".
"Sangria" has been published on Youtube at 06/07/2020 15:00:11
"Sangria" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Emma Muscat - Sangria (
Ascolta qui:
Una produzione
Regia: Colin Azzopardi
Executive Producer: Matteo Stefani, Andrea Biscaro
Montaggio: Mattia Levi
Dop: Sean Aquilina (MAKA Visuals)
Scritto da Irene Simoncini
Producer - Roma unit: Elena Andreutti
Dop/operatore - Roma Unit: Jhairson Garcia
;Operatore - Roma unit: Francesco Marchioni
Focus Puller: Malik Atwair
Operatore: Carlo Musco (MAKA Visuals)
Artist co-ordinator: Keith Kiko Muscat
Styling: Drew Warhurst - Drew & Crew
MUA: Karl Zammit Nash - KIKO Milano
Hair: Nicole Gera - Dean Gera Salons
Fotografo di scena: Justin Ciappara / Matthew B Spiteri
Extras: Hannah Dowling, Sade Tewogbola, Hannah Giacchino Amministrazione: Agnese Incurvati, Annamaria Modica
Il filmato contiene marchi e prodotti per fini commerciali
Un ringraziamento speciale a Kiko Milano e Hawaiian Tropic
Grazie a: Angelo Xuereb, The Rosselli, AX Privilege, Luxury Hotel, Valletta, Malta
#Emma Muscat #Astol #Sangria