Top 100 Songs Tajikistan , 19/01/2023
The Tajik Top 100 Songs music chart is compiled and based on the most popular songs for 19/01/2023. It is a daily chart release. Discover the most popular top 100 entries of Tajikistan. The best Tajik songs on 19 January 2023. Tajik Top 100 Chart lists the best performed music videos measured on a daily basis. Explore the most streamed and viewed singles from Tajikistan. These are the well-trending Tajik releases for 19 January 2023. Find regional songs sung in Tajik . Top 100 Tajikistan Songs Chart is related to "" topics.- TJ #1 +0
- Madina Aknazarova
- Chaman Ba Chaman
- 27 days on
- # 1 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #2 +0
- Zulaykho Mahmadshoeva
- Busachin
- 20 days on
- # 2 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #3 +0
- Nigina Amonqulova
- Perahan Yasamani
- 27 days on
- # 3 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #4 +0
- Madina Aknazarova
- Bibi Reko Jan
- 26 days on
- # 4 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #5 +0
- Farzonai Khurshed
- Joma Norenji
- 647 days on
- # 5 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #6 +0
- Shabnam Surayo
- Bizan Dutora
- 492 days on
- # 6 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #7 +2
- Mehrnigor Rustam
- Jodoogar
- 191 days on
- # 9 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #8 -1
- Valijon Azizov
- Bo Man Bimon
- 81 days on
- # 7 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #9 -1
- Nigina Amonqulova
- Oh Dilakam
- 33 days on
- # 8 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #10 +3
- Zulaykho Mahmadshoeva
- Mamnunam
- 1107 days on
- # 13 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #11 -1
- Yulduz Turdiyeva & Jonibek Murodov
- Azizi Dilam
- 361 days on
- # 10 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #12 +0
- Madina Aknazarova
- Kabul Dor Ast
- 187 days on
- # 12 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #13 -2
- Madina Aknazarova
- Dil Meravad
- 23 days on
- # 11 was last day
- # 2 is the peak
- TJ #14 +1
- Madina Aknazarova
- Jilva Dar Bam
- 617 days on
- # 15 was last day
- # 2 is the peak
- TJ #15 -1
- Zulaykho Mahmadshoeva
- Mardi Firori
- 39 days on
- # 14 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #16 +0
- Nigina Amonqulova
- Burda Dil
- 398 days on
- # 16 was last day
- # 4 is the peak
- TJ #17 +3
- Madina Aknazarova
- To Marav Az Pish Man
- 884 days on
- # 20 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #18 -1
- Farzonai Khurshed
- Kabutar
- 151 days on
- # 17 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #19 -1
- Farakhnoz Sharafova
- Nozam
- 43 days on
- # 18 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #20 -1
- Ruslan Aliev
- Tadzhichka Moya Tadzhikistan Ba Pesh
- 166 days on
- # 19 was last day
- # 5 is the peak
- TJ #21 +2
- Madina Aknazarova
- Eshq Man
- 1165 days on
- # 23 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #22 +0
- Valijon Azizov
- Sarobe
- 702 days on
- # 22 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #23 -2
- Ruslan Aliev
- Uzbekistan
- 27 days on
- # 21 was last day
- # 16 is the peak
- TJ #24 +5
- Shakhlo Davlatova
- Garibi
- 1059 days on
- # 29 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- TJ #25 +1
- Landmaster
- Tajik Drill
- 27 days on
- # 26 was last day
- # 12 is the peak
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