Greek Hot 100 Songs Chart , 19/01/2023
The Greek Hot 100 Songs music chart is compiled and based on the most popular songs released within the last 365 days for 19/01/2023. It is a daily chart release. Discover the hottest top 100 entries of Greece. The best Greek songs on 19 January 2023. Greek Hot 100 Songs Chart lists the best performed music videos measured on a daily basis. Explore the most streamed and viewed singles from Greece. These are the well-trending Greek releases for 19 January 2023. Find regional songs sung in Greek . Hot 100 Greece Songs Chart is related to "Hellás greek " topics.- GR #5 +0
- Christos Menidiatis
- Dunata Mazi
- 27 days on
- # 5 was last day
- # 2 is the peak
- GR #9 +2
- Konstantinos Argiros
- Matonoun Oi Skepseis
- 212 days on
- # 11 was last day
- # 7 is the peak
- GR #10 -1
- Eleni Foureira & Mente Fuerte
- El Telephone Remix
- 80 days on
- # 9 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- GR #11 -4
- Stella Grigoriou
- Akou Na Sou Po
- 22 days on
- # 7 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- GR #12 +0
- Snik & Ivan Greko
- Gaza
- 70 days on
- # 12 was last day
- # 2 is the peak
- GR #14 -4
- Giorgos Mazonakis
- Pnigomai
- 2 days on
- # 10 was last day
- # 10 is the peak
- GR #15 -2
- Christos Zotos
- Viastika
- 2 days on
- # 13 was last day
- # 13 is the peak
- GR #18 +1
- Konstantinos Argiros & Light
- Iliovasilema
- 122 days on
- # 19 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- GR #19 -1
- Panos Kiamos
- De Se Vlepo
- 34 days on
- # 18 was last day
- # 10 is the peak
- GR #20 -3
- Nikos Ikonomopoulos
- Prepei Den Prepei
- 69 days on
- # 17 was last day
- # 2 is the peak
- GR #23 +3
- Eleni Foureira & Trannos
- Egw & Esy
- 118 days on
- # 26 was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- GR #25 -1
- Giorgos Kakosaios
- Kane Mas Ti Chari
- 219 days on
- # 24 was last day
- # 5 is the peak
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